Saturday, July 30, 2011

Blog? What Blog?

I totally forgot that I even had this blog. I know that I have a few family members that still check in to see if I have updated it so I'll post something quick while I have a spare second.

Chandler will be 5 next month! He is so smart. He knows his alphabet and can spell his name, we are working on the reading. We are not going to start him in school until next year because we dont want him the youngest of his class.

Beckham is so big 6 1/2 months already and 16 1/2 lbs! He loves to eat eat eat, anything he can get his little fat fingers on. He can sign Milk and says mama, dada, and nana which to him means food! He is not crawling yet but rolling everywhere!

I am still working at Legends, as a Marketing Manager (aka real estate agent for apartments) I LOVE MY JOB!!! My boss always makes fun of me because I have swithed my jobs so many times in the past and she wonders when I'll get sick of this one but I'm here to stay I love it!

Brad is currently unemployeed but is loving his time home with his two best buds!